Well-prepared for the new school year

After the long summer holidays, it is often not easy to get back into your everyday life. All the better, if your well-known favourites can help you with that.
In order to organize your new school year, we have once again designed new timetables for you:

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Throwback Thursday: Hidden Writings

Sometimes you wonder what can be discovered as soon as you get a little bit further into our archives.
During the digitization of MOSAIK anthology 11 (MOSAIK 4 to 8 of 1979), we suddenly noticed that there was nothing but empty signs, which in the past indeed contained texts, and we suddenly found letterings on the original pages, which were never before published.

This is how all of us know the backside of MOSAIK 8/79 so far:

And this lettering is hidden under a generous covering of white paint, which can be seen in the backlight.
Out of sheer curiosity we did a little bit of research: "Zupan" is Slovenian and means "mayor".

Directly underneath that is a pencil-writing, which can be deciphered as "Schweinezüchter" (="pig-breeder") , as well as the two inscriptions "Hilfs-Gefängnis-Wagen" (="Hilfs-Prison-Wagon") and "Kaiserliche Gendarmerie" (="Imperial Constabulary").<br /><br /><img src="http://www.abrafaxe.com/images/news/mosaik8-79_bleistift2.jpg" width="600" height="450" />

This probably means a little more reconstruction work for our media designers ...

10. Rainbow Cup – The Miniolympics of Potsdam's Kindergartens

With a triple "Sport frei!" and in bright sunshine the anniversary edition of the largest children's sports festival in the state of Brandenburg took place on July 6, 2017. On the sports grounds at the Luftschiffhafen in Potsdam around 650 children from 30 kindergartens were gathered for the 10th Rainbow Cup of the SC Potsdam.

Children between the ages of 3 and 6 were looking forward to a day of excitement, fun and sporting competitions. During their long throw, long jump, the 30m run and the Rainbow Run the children were zealous in competition and were able to recover before and after their disciplines within recreational areas, including a bouncy castle, play stations and lots of MOSAIK-magazines.



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Klein, drollig und voller Charme [...] Mosaik ist ein Stück Leben.

Mitteldeutsche Zeitung

Angesichts der Omnipräsenz der elektronischen Medien in Kinderzimmern ist die Comiczeitschrift „MOSAIK“ ein liebenswerter Anachronismus. Und ein erfolgreicher dazu.“


Zeichnerisch weiterhin auf höchstem Niveau, ist das Heft ein gelungener Start für die Serie.
