You are the first!

Subscriptions are not only good for us, but also good for you: As a newsletter subscriber, you are the very first to find out what's new at our publishing house, and if the post office cooperates, you will have your subscription issue in the box before it is officially on sale at the newsstands.

However, with the July issue our subscribers get a MOSAIK issue that you can't buy anywhere and that you get exclusively by subscribing! It is the 800th MOSAIK, counted from 1955 until today. 229 issues with the Digedags plus 571 issues with the Abrafaxe makes 800 MOSAIK issues in total!

The special thing about this issue is the cover art, which features dozens of companions from over 60 years of MOSAIK history. Every character has appeared in a MOSAIK! Now there's really something to look at and puzzle over.

With this elaborate extra, we would like to thank you for your years of loyalty and hope that you look forward to each new adventure of the Abrafaxe as much as we do!

PS: As an exception to our anniversary, it is possible for a limited period of time to sign up for a subscription retroactively from number 571 onwards - after all, we don't want to make anyone sad or angry ...



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Klein, drollig und voller Charme [...] Mosaik ist ein Stück Leben.

Mitteldeutsche Zeitung

Angesichts der Omnipräsenz der elektronischen Medien in Kinderzimmern ist die Comiczeitschrift „MOSAIK“ ein liebenswerter Anachronismus. Und ein erfolgreicher dazu.“

Zeichnerisch weiterhin auf höchstem Niveau, ist das Heft ein gelungener Start für die Serie.
