How's it going, what's up?

While our lovely anniversary issue 550, which is also the series launch issue, has only been available on newsstands and in our shop for a week, we are already sending issue 551 to the printers on Monday. On Wednesday, the editorial reading of issue 553 is on the agenda, because issue 552 is just being finished by the illustrators and then being coloured.

A bit of advance planning is helpful in any industry and essential in publishing, since arrangements with printers and distribution partners have to be coordinated on a long-term basis. So it is with a heavy heart that we have had to cancel our Open Day once again as we prepare for the last quarter of the year. But we are quite confident that next year we will finally be able to welcome guests to our house again, and we are very much looking forward to that.

This year, we would like to give you another virtual insight into our work. Why don't you write us and tell us what you are particularly interested in? With long-term planning, a lot is still possible now ... ;)

Have a great weekend, perhaps with some MOSAIK reading material

The MOSAIK-Team!



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Klein, drollig und voller Charme [...] Mosaik ist ein Stück Leben.

Mitteldeutsche Zeitung

Angesichts der Omnipräsenz der elektronischen Medien in Kinderzimmern ist die Comiczeitschrift „MOSAIK“ ein liebenswerter Anachronismus. Und ein erfolgreicher dazu.“

Zeichnerisch weiterhin auf höchstem Niveau, ist das Heft ein gelungener Start für die Serie.
