(May 1985 – In-India-Series issue 17) Clever Alexander has been at it again and has constructed a bucket-wheel excavator for diamond mining - with monkey drive and monkey power. Inadvertently, this mechanical monstrosity helps the Abrafaxe to regain their freedom and also unearths another treasure ... Directly to the Kindle-Shop. |
At last you can enjoy the big bang in the Abrafaxe universe compactly and handsomely packaged in one piece: The book „Vorhang auf und Bühne frei!“ (German, „Curtains up and clear the stage!“) gathers the first twelve MOSAIK issues with the Abrafaxe (1/76 to 12/76) in one volume.
The sequel „Komödien und Tragödien“ (German, „Comedies and Tragedies“), which contains the entire 1977 MOSAIK volume (1/77 to 12/77), continues seamlessly and rapidly. The parts lie well in the hand and are easy to browse through and read with their flex covers. The same applies, of course, to the wonderfully nostalgic classic edition with a high-quality hardcover. It also contains a carefully and meticulously edited 16-page supplement with reproductions of sketches and figurines from the MOSAIK archive. Some of them are shown here for the first time. And now you are faced with the choice! Or a few ideas for your wish list to Father Christmas. Vorhang auf und Bühne frei! Flexcover € 24,90 Directly to the MOSAIK-Shop. Komödien und Tragödien Flexcover € 24,90 Directly to the MOSAIK-Shop. |
Vorhang auf und Bühne frei!
Klassik-Ausgabe Hardcover incl. 16-page supplement with sketches and figurines € 50,– Directly to the MOSAIK-Shop. Komödien und Tragödien Klassik-Ausgabe Hardcover incl. 16-page supplement with sketches and figurines € 50,– Directly to the MOSAIK-Shop. |
So, did you notice anything different about our two current MOSAIK covers? The cover of the Abrafaxe issue "Entscheidung um Mitternacht" has a nice maritime flair, even though Lela, the arch-enemy of the Abrafaxe, is being unknowingly chauffeured to them by Leander.
And the cover of the current MOSAIK with Anna, Bella and Caramella also seems to take place on a ship. On a pagoda ship, perhaps? Only you can find out whether a sea voyage is actually amusing, in which of the two MOSAIK issues more ships plough across the sea and which of the two adventurer trios scores better in the overall ranking. Now inside your mailboxes or on newsstands from Wednesday! MOSAIK 575 Entscheidung um Mitternacht € 3,45 Directly to the MOSAIK-Shop. Anna, Bella & Caramella 58 Das Pagodenschiff € 3,60 Directly to the MOSAIK-Shop. |
Klein, drollig und voller Charme [...] Mosaik ist ein Stück Leben.
Angesichts der Omnipräsenz der elektronischen Medien in Kinderzimmern ist die Comiczeitschrift „MOSAIK“ ein liebenswerter Anachronismus. Und ein erfolgreicher dazu.“
Zeichnerisch weiterhin auf höchstem Niveau, ist das Heft ein gelungener Start für die Serie.