MOSAIK Anna, Bella & Caramella 51

Pioneering women in aviation

Women as pilots? In 1929, that was still scandalous. And women walking around the airfield in trousers and working as mechanics caused just as much snickering. But that doesn't scare the Annabellas at all. This MOSAIK tells how Anna does on her first attempt at flying, what Bella is particularly good at and what Caramella can do to persuade the flight instructors Bob and Rob to undertake a daring venture.

MOSAIK Anna, Bella & Caramella 51
Die kühne Pilotin

52 pages

Directly to the MOSAIK-Shop.

MOSAIK Anthology 119


On their journey to Egypt, the Abrafaxe came to the oasis of Sekhetam. There was one of the great oracles of the ancient world and Brabax hoped to learn more about the mysterious dodecahedron he had taken from the Temple of Annabellas in Caesarea. Whether he succeeds, which question Titus asks the oracle and what deed in Leptis Magna makes Abrax the most wanted person in the Roman Empire, you will find out in this anthology.

Of course, there is also an extensive editorial appendix in this volume - with the following topics:
  • Es waren einmal zwei Germanenkinder, ...
  • Der Diener seines Herrn
  • Ein ägyptisches Orakel in der Wüste
  • Titelskizzen
  • Heron, der Mechanicus
  • Ein König ohne Königreich – Philiopappus
  • Wo ist Kommagene?

Our anthology subscribers are sure to be looking forward to it, after all our friends are getting closer and closer to their destination Rome. As usual, the subscription volumes are already on their way and should reach you as soon as possible.

Have fun reading and discovering!

MOSAIK Sammelband 119 Softcover
Sklavenaufstand in der Kyrenaika

Issues 473–476 (May to August 2015)
Softcover, Fadenheftung
160 pages in colour
16,5 x 23,5 cm
ISBN: 978-3-86462-221-2
Best.-Nr.: 3046
€ 14,95

Directly to the MOSAIK-Shop.

MOSAIK Sammelband 119 Hardcover
Sklavenaufstand in der Kyrenaika

Limited to 666 copies.
In addition, each anthology contains a print signed and numbered by Sally Lin.

Issues 473–476 (May to August 2015)
Hardcover, Fadenheftung
160 pages in colour
17 x 24 cm
ISBN: 978-3-86462-222-9
Best.-Nr.: 3047
€ 35,00

Directly to the MOSAIK-Shop.


Of sharpened sabres, shattered dreams and flowery surprises

Der Verrat

Short Description:

Life was hard and dangerous in the narrow streets of Baghdad. But even in the Caliph's palace it was not all fun and games. How the Grand Vizier Dschaffar manages to settle a dispute between the Caliph and his wife, which decision Abrax and Califax have to make and why Brabax and the Franks are not happy about finally coming to the palace district, we share in this MOSAIK.

Directly to the MOSAIK-Shop.



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Klein, drollig und voller Charme [...] Mosaik ist ein Stück Leben.

Mitteldeutsche Zeitung

Angesichts der Omnipräsenz der elektronischen Medien in Kinderzimmern ist die Comiczeitschrift „MOSAIK“ ein liebenswerter Anachronismus. Und ein erfolgreicher dazu.“

Zeichnerisch weiterhin auf höchstem Niveau, ist das Heft ein gelungener Start für die Serie.
